Government Plans Integration of Classes 9 to 12, Implements Secondary Level Consolidation

In a significant move aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP), the government is poised to implement the recommendations outlined in the Khader Committee report. According to the proposed changes, classes 9 to 12 will now form an integrated entity known as the secondary level, effectively erasing the existing distinction between high school and higher secondary education.

The core committee’s report, along with draft norms, has been handed over to Minister V. Sivankutty. Presently, the eighth standard is part of high school education in Kerala. However, the transition to the integrated secondary level will be gradual, ensuring minimal disruption to school operations and teacher services.

Under the forthcoming reforms, teacher recruitment will occur through the establishment of a specialized cadre for the secondary level. The core committee’s recommendations include seniority-based promotions for current higher secondary junior teachers if they voluntarily opt to teach in classes 9 and 10, although this choice is not obligatory.

It is anticipated that the introduction of the secondary cadre might eliminate senior posts in the future, prompting the government to consider comprehensive reforms in teacher education and training programs. Despite these developments, the specific details of the core committee’s recommendations and the proposed changes in service conditions have not yet been disclosed to teachers’ unions for discussion. Additionally, the government has not released the second part of the Khader committee report, which addresses alterations in school timings, nor specified the timeline for the implementation of these changes.

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