Do you know how dangerous salt is ? know how it badly affect our health

Salt is an crucial part of our diet. If food lacks salt it wont might taste better is in the limited, the food test remains,but if it is high, it spoils the food test. So if you eat salt in the limit, your condition is good but  if you use more salt, you will fall ill. Using more salt will increase your bloodpressure and hypertension patient. Know how taking excess amount of salt is dangerous for your health.

Inflammation in the intestines:
Excess use of salt in food will cause inflammation in your intestines.  Studies reveales that Adults in the United States use more salt in food, which has led to more inflammation in their intestines.

 High blood pressure
Excess salt in food creates excitement, anger and hypertension. So gradually, you become a high BP patient and surround you with heart and brain disease.

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Using more salt can make Alsar
Eating more salt in food makes helicobacter pylori bacteria active, a major cause of stomach alsar. With the number of excess salt, H. pyroli bacteria take a dangerous form and weaken the digestive system

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