Facial Steam; what will happen to your skin?

Facial steam has often played an important part in a skincare routine. Right from the process of cleansing, exfoliation, toning, moisturising to applying sunscreen following a face mask, steaming has also been added to the skincare game.

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This is very simple procedure, a face steamer is available everywhere which you can use on your face. All you need to do is to expose your face to the steam produced by hot water. As long as the steam is close to your face, it will do the job correctly.



A warm facial steam makes the face sweat. It lifts  up all the unwanted dirt, debris, dead skin cells and more from the surface and even the pores.

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Increases blood circulation 

Steaming makes the blood vessels in the skin dilate and enable more blood to flow into the skin and to let off the heat. The blood also brings with it all the essentials such as oxygen and necessary nutrients that would help the skin.

Helps get rid of stubborn blackheads 

Facial steam, makes it easier and less painful to get rid of the growing blackheads.

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 Anti-ageing benefits

Steaming your face actually has the power to boost the skin cells . They are able to rid of the dead cells and make the skin glow. Hence, if you ever notice, your skin would always look younger and glowing right after a good facial steam.




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