Benefits of eating peanuts daily

People consume a variety of fruits and vegetables to maintain good health. Most people like to eat peanuts, although it is called cheap almond because it contains a good amount of protein and it is also very cheap. It is a treasure of health, there are many people who consume peanuts daily.

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100 grams of raw groundnut has protein equivalent to 1 litre of milk, and roasting peanuts does not get the same amount of mineral as it is available in 250 grams of meat. Monosaturated fat is found in peanuts and is considered very good for the heart. If you eat peanuts 5 days a week, then by doing this your heart remains healthy.

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Peanuts also strengthens bones.  Amount of calcium and vitamin D present in it is a best and cheap treatment for bones. It also contains folic acid inside peanuts or works to reduce neural tube defects during pregnancy. This also  improve the fertility of women.



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