Sexual Health: Do You Want to Improve Your Sex Life? Choose These Ayurvedic-Recommended Foods

Sexual Health

There are a variety of foods and herbs that can help you overcome sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction, infertility, and frigidity. Continue reading to learn more about those edible items.


Ghee performs like Ojas, biological energy that connects tissues in the body that are responsible for vital sexual functions, according to Ayurveda.


Honey contains boron, which is a mineral. This is known to increase testosterone and estrogen levels. These are the hormones that help you have better sexual functions.


Milk is high in a variety of nutrients that give you the energy you need to perform better in bed. When you add some spices to it, its capacity increases.

Rice Kheer 

Rice kheer is made with dry fruits, saffron, milk, and cardamom, among other ingredients. These superfoods, known as Ojas-boosting foods, are beneficial to your sexual health.

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