6 secrets for sexual health

Sexual health is an essential component of overall health, well-being, and quality of life. Here are a few pointers to help you maintain an active and satisfying sex life.

Consume nutritious foods.
Sexuality is a reflection of one’s overall health. Take care of your nutrition if you want to have an active sex life. Healthy food nourishes your body and allows it to perform optimally in a variety of situations, including sex. Furthermore, a healthy diet (low in sodium and bad fats, for example) will help you fight certain illnesses like arterial hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, which can be associated with erectile dysfunction and affect one out of every two men over the age of 40.

Smoking should be avoided.
Smoking depletes your vitality, including sexual vitality. Furthermore, smoking causes a phenomenon in which blood vessels constrict throughout the body, including the genitals. This decrease in blood flow can make it difficult for men to have or maintain an erection. This phenomenon also occurs in women’s genitals, causing a variety of issues, including lubrication loss.

Keep a healthy weight
Overweight or obese people are more likely to develop hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes, all of which can be harmful to sexual health. Maintaining a healthy weight helps to prevent diseases linked to erectile dysfunction and other sexual issues. Furthermore, feeling good in your skin can help you fully enjoy your sexuality.

Drink alcohol within limits.
It would be easy to believe that drinking alcohol facilitates sexual encounters, but the truth is quite different. According to research, consuming large amounts of alcohol can hurt men’s and women’s sexual capacities. It can, for example, impair a man’s ability to obtain and maintain an erection. High alcohol doses can also impair a woman’s ability to become sexually aroused and have an orgasm.

Communicate with your partner.
It is essential to feel at ease to enjoy healthy sexuality. Choose the appropriate location and talk to your partner about his or her love tastes and preferences, as well as yours. In all cases, you should be able to try new things and be respected. If something makes you uncomfortable, don’t do it just to please your partner.

Take precautions.
If you are not prepared to deal with an unplanned pregnancy, use a contraceptive of your choice. Prioritize safety. Using a condom provides double protection: it lowers the risk of pregnancy as well as the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). A blood test is also a good way for you and your partner to avoid the risks of contracting an STI.

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