Using hands-free devices to answer calls while driving may result in the loss of your licence.

Drivers who use hands-free devices such as Bluetooth to talk on the phone while driving will have their licence suspended.

A spike in the number of accidents caused by cell phone use while driving has prompted traffic officers to crack down on drivers who use Bluetooth technology to talk on the phone.

If caught, the case will be reported to the RTO, along with evidence and a recommendation to suspend the licence. Until now, only those who kept their phone close to their ear while driving were prosecuted.

The decision to suspend the licence was made after the police discovered that speaking on the phone while connected to the speakers via Bluetooth technology was also causing accidents.

Despite the fact that an amendment to the Motor Vehicles Act allows for the use of Bluetooth to register cases against motorists, law enforcement has encountered practical difficulties in putting the rule into action. Officials from the Department of Motor Vehicles advised drivers to avoid talking on the phone while driving.

To speak while driving, the phone could be connected to the vehicle’s music system. Anything that could divert the driver’s attention, on the other hand, should be avoided.

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