Some don’ts of yoga

Yoga is a part of some people’s daily routine . People who do not like going to gym, opts for yoga for their daily dose of physical activity. The best thing is you does not need any props to do yoga, all you need is just a space and a yoga mat . But here are some don’ts of yoga that you should keep in mind before doing yoga.


Never do yoga in extreme weather conditions, like when it is too hot, too cold or too humid.

Mind your breath

Breathing has important role in yoga practice. One should not hold their breath unnaturally until instructed by trainer. Breathe normally until proper instructions are given.

Yoga after meals

Do not do yoga right after having meals. Wait for at least 2-3 hours so that the food can settle down .

Do not wear tight clothing

Do not wear shoes and tight clothing while doing yoga. Tight upper back clothing can restrict the movement of the rib cage and lung that can result in incomplete breathing.

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