There are seven types of toxic people you should avoid in your life.

People in your life shape you into the person you are today. They can influence you in ways you could never have imagined, even if some of them do not have good intentions. And it is toxic people with negative intentions who gradually plant seeds of destruction, toxicity, and extreme negativity in your mind. As a result, the first thing you should do is get them out of your life as quickly as possible. Here are a few examples of toxic people you should avoid in your life.


These people may appear charming at first, but when it comes to trust and love, they are delusory. They will attempt to manipulate you in ways you will never understand, leaving you dumbfounded and completely helpless in the end. They’re also pretty good liars who will do anything to keep their image intact, even if it means throwing you to the wolves.


They are always interested in gossiping and hearing rumours about other people because that is what they thrive on. Such people spread gossip to make themselves feel better and to be bully by the person who is being targeted. When dealing with such a person, it is preferable to be extremely private about your affairs rather than reveal everything.


If someone has been repeatedly harming themselves or engaging in self-destructive behaviour, the first step is to support and guide them to professional help. However, if they continue to harm themselves to the point where supporting them is affecting your mental health, you should distance yourself from them for a while.

Emotional clingers

These people will emotionally cling to you, use you, and then leave when they are satisfied. They are constantly seeking assurance and validation from others, and they cling to others for emotional fulfilment. They also tend to change their attitude when it is convenient for them.

The victim

Such a person is always playing the victim card to get their way or get out of a difficult situation quickly. They will never admit their mistakes and will instead blame everything on you because they are the ‘victim’ in every situation. Beware, they can also be extremely manipulative.

liar and adversary

These people will lie through their teeth because it is second nature to them. They have no problem lying to even their closest friends if it gets them what they want. They will also appear to be extremely competitive in all aspects of their lives, making your friendship or relationship appear to be a competition.

Negative influence

There is always one person in a group who engages in all kinds of bad behaviour that can get others into trouble. Even after several warnings, they will not stop because it gives them a lot of satisfaction and pleasure. You may even engage in such practices as a result of the process. As a result, no matter how appealing they are, you must distance yourself from them.

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