Safe Air Travel for Pregnant Women: Key Precautions and Guidelines

Pregnant women contemplating air travel face unique challenges, and ensuring a safe and comfortable journey requires careful consideration. Dr. Shalini Verma, a prominent gynaecologist, recently shared essential points that pregnant women should bear in mind when preparing for a flight.

Dr. Verma emphasizes that the second trimester is the most suitable time for air travel, considering fewer complications during this period. Nausea and fatigue in the early stages of pregnancy may make travel uncomfortable, and there is an increased risk of miscarriage in the first trimester.

For single-child pregnancies, air travel is discouraged after 36 weeks, while for twin pregnancies, the advised cut-off is 32 weeks. However, it’s crucial to note that different airlines may have varying rules, underscoring the importance of consulting with a doctor before planning any flights.

Pregnant women flying after 28 weeks should carry a medical certificate from their doctor. Here are some key precautions for pregnant air travelers:

Carry medical records during the journey.

Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a maternity pillow.

Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

Regularly stand up and stretch to enhance blood circulation.

Adjust the seatbelt if too tight, and inform airline staff if needed.

Minimize luggage, particularly when traveling alone.

Don’t hesitate to seek assistance from fellow passengers when needed.

These precautions, along with guidance from a healthcare professional, can contribute to a safer and more enjoyable air travel experience for pregnant women.

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