5 Morning-Friendly Foods for a Healthy Start on an Empty Stomach

Are you tired of morning discomforts like gas and acidity? It might be time to reassess your empty stomach indulgences. Here are five morning-friendly delights that won’t leave you regretting your choices:

Warm Water:

Kickstart your day with a comforting glass of lukewarm water, perhaps with a dash of honey. Honey brings vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, making this duo a detox friend for your body. According to Dr. Emily Turner, a nutritionist, starting your day with lukewarm water is like giving your stomach a gentle wake-up call.


Opt for Dalia, a low-calorie grain packed with fiber. It’s an excellent choice for your empty stomach, aiding digestion and keeping you satisfied until lunch. If you’re on a weight-loss journey, Dalia can be a valuable ally.


Eggs are a protein powerhouse packed with essential vitamins and minerals. With amino acids and healthy fats, they provide a wholesome start to your day. Nutritionist Meera Sharma emphasizes that eggs are a classic breakfast in Indian cuisine, loaded with proteins, vitamins, and healthy fats.


Introduce papaya to your morning routine as a superhero for your empty stomach. Rich in nutrients and low in calories, papaya aids digestion, keeps your intestines happy, and supports a healthy gut. Dr. Vikram Malhotra, a nutritionist, highlights that the enzymes in papaya aid digestion, making it a fantastic choice for a healthy gut in the Indian kitchen.


Soaked almonds, walnuts, and nuts make for a nutrient-packed trio. A small handful in the morning provides healthy fats, proteins, and fiber, offering sustained energy for the day. Registered Dietitian Lisa Thompson recommends these nuts as an ideal morning snack to support your daily nutritional needs.

Incorporating these morning marvels into your routine can contribute to a healthier start to your day, keeping discomforts at bay and promoting overall well-being.

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