This juice can naturally reduce high blood pressure!

Long-term consumption of Lingonberry juice lowers high blood pressure and improves the functions of blood vessels. Lingonberry, bilberry, cranberry and blackcurrant are excellent sources of polyphenols. “Lingonberry juice is no substitute for medication, but it is a good dietary supplement. Both lingonberry and cranberry are part of the Vaccinium family of plants, just like bilberries blueberries and huckleberries.

Diluted lingonberry juice significantly lowered high blood pressure while juice that contained more polyphenols improved impaired blood vessel function to the level of healthy vessels, the results showed.The juice did not prevent the age-related elevation of blood pressure typical to the hypertensive animal strain. Lingonberry juice prevented the expression of genes associated with low-grade inflammation in the aorta. The effect of other berry juices was less marked.

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