Sijoy Varghese with a time table for healthy life style during lockdown

Actor-advertising director Sijoy Varghese presents a ‘special timetable’ to turn adversity imposed by the lock-down, including laziness, into favorable conditions.

Water time: When you wake up in the morning, you prepare the water to drink that day. Every day of the week, tulsi, panikurka, coriander, cumin seeds, etc. are boiled and kept in a special bottle for each person. It should be drunk before the end of the day. Not only does immunity increase, but health problems due to reduced water consumption can also be eliminated

Food time: Perfect time for everyone for food. Everyone should have eaten within half an hour of the morning, noon, late afternoon, and night.

Cleaning time: An hour to clean any room in the house after meals.  It’s better that there’s no dirty room cleaning at once and it’s easier to get it done because everyone cleans one part each.

Gadgets Time: Only an hour after lunch. This time can also be reserved for mobile, computer, social media use, etc. if not for a short period of time. Adjusting screen time can relieve eye strain and addiction due to excessive use.

Garden time: Let’s take care of the plants for an hour. The kitchen garden and the garden can be built. It helps in breathing fresh air and exposing the outside.  Outside jobs must ensure covid resistance, including masks.

Steam time: It’s good to steam for a while after the evening bath. It will help in boosting immunity and avoid breathing problems caused by climate change.

Talk time: People at home can keep their social distance and talk openly, sing, share specialties. This will strengthen the self-relationship between family members

Movie Time: A movie after dinner. Each day you can choose the choice of each of the family members.

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