Expert Highlights 3 Crucial Facts About Intermittent Fasting You Should Know Before Starting

Intermittent fasting, often hailed for its potential health benefits, has been gaining popularity as a dietary approach. However, nutritionist Rashi Choudhury recently shared three important factors that individuals should consider before embarking on an intermittent fasting regime. While acknowledging the positive effects of intermittent fasting, Choudhury emphasized the need for caution, especially for women, to avoid potential negative impacts on overall health. Here are the key facts highlighted by the expert:

Potential Increase in Blood Sugar Levels: According to Choudhury, a study indicates that fasting for an extended period, approximately three weeks, has been associated with elevated glucose levels in women. To address this concern, the expert recommends breaking up intermittent fasting on weekends. The suggested approach involves following intermittent fasting for three to four days a week and having an early dinner on the remaining days to maintain blood sugar levels.

Disruption of Hormonal Balance: Research suggests that calorie restriction, a component of intermittent fasting, may impact the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis in women. Disruptions in the communication between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, and ovaries could lead to symptoms such as irregular periods and infertility. To mitigate this risk, Choudhury advises individuals to ensure they consume enough calories during the feeding period and avoid prolonged fasting of up to 20 hours.

Potential Increase in Stress Levels: Choudhury highlights that intermittent fasting may result in a 50 percent increase in cortisol levels in women, contributing to elevated stress levels and potential mental health issues. To manage stress, the expert recommends practicing intermittent fasting for a limited duration and opting for early dinners on non-fasting days. Additionally, incorporating small snacks like bone broth or almond yogurt two hours before bedtime can help support overall well-being.

While intermittent fasting has demonstrated positive effects, Choudhury’s insights underscore the importance of a balanced and mindful approach. Individuals considering intermittent fasting should be aware of these potential impacts on blood sugar, hormonal balance, and stress levels, adjusting their approach to align with their health needs and goals.

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