Adding cherries to your diet will help you stay fit and young.

Few people are aware that the sweet and tangy, red-coloured, tiny seasonal fruit cherries contain a plethora of health benefits.

According to experts, cherry not only lowers blood uric acid levels but also relieves muscle pain. It also slows the ageing process and alleviates skin problems such as acne and Vulgaris.

Help with muscle recovery: According to research, cherries have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce muscle pain after strenuous exercise. A study conducted by the Oregon Health and Science University in the United States also found that athletes who drank cherry juice before a long-distance relay race experienced less muscle pain after the race than those who drank another fruit drink.

Help you sleep: Cherries contain melatonin, a chemical our brain requires to regulate sleep, combat jet lag, prevent memory loss, and slow the ageing process. Scientists at Northumbria University in the United Kingdom discovered that volunteers who drank cherry juice had significantly higher levels of melatonin.

Reduce gout: Cherry juice can help reduce uric acid levels in the blood as well as gout pain. Cherry anthocyanins reduce inflammation, which alleviates joint pain and the effects of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The Human Nutrition Research Center at the University of California discovered that women who consumed 280 grammes of tart cherries had a 15% reduction in uric acid levels overnight.

Good skin: According to researchers at Michigan State University in the United States, drinking just one glass of tart cherry juice per day slows the ageing process. Cherry has the highest antioxidant level of any fruit, with 17 different antioxidant compounds present. Antioxidants aid the body’s fight against free radicals, which age us. Other skin conditions, such as acne, rosacea, and Vulgaris, are also recommended as an alternative treatment with cherry juice. The juice is high in vitamin A, and its antibacterial properties help to remove toxins from the blood and fight bacteria that have become trapped beneath the skin.

Sex booster: Cherry juice contains vitamins A and C, which increase libido in both men and women. Vitamin A boosts testosterone and oestrogen levels, whereas vitamin C increases sexual appetite and men’s sperm volume.

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